Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Comedian Jim Labriola Appears on FOX News' Huckabee Show

Jim Labriola joins Mike Huckabee on the Huckabee show:

About Jim Labriola:

As a young boy, Jim had a natural flair for comedy which often played out at family gatherings and, like most youth, he chose to explore his passions from the perspective of a worldly mindset. Many kids his age spent their time listening to music, but Jim’s instinct and natural sense of humor led him to delve deeply in the comedic arts. He began earnestly cultivating his God-given dexterity for hilarity by seeking out opportunities to perform anywhere and everywhere comedy was the primary, secondary or tertiary draw, even if it meant driving an hour and a half for a five minute slot. In 1989, Jim opened for headliner Tim Allen at Governor’s Comedy Club on Long Island. This fortuitous meeting sparked a close friendship and a big boost for Jim’s career when he was offered what eventually morphed into a popular recurring role as donut-loving freeloader Benny Baroni on ABC’s hit show Home Improvement. Jim later went on to guest star in various other network sitcoms and motion pictures including Disney’s huge hit, The Santa Clause.

Like most comedians, Jim’s routines in the early days were steeped in adult themes and vulgarity but one scripture, Ephesians 5:4, led him to reassess his core values and contemplate serious changes for his life, leading to a new “Heart Improvement”. He eased into his newfound and heartfelt persona by exclusively performing clean comedy at local churches and charity events. Armed with a renewed and fundamentally transformed purpose, Jim now travels the country speaking at business meetings and motivational seminars, and continues to appear on television and in film. Of course, his stand-up routine will always remain a staple of his repertoire but, in recent months, Jim has also been gallivanting across the country aboard the Tea Party Express alongside such notable figures as former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and Saturday Night Live’s Victoria Jackson, as well as hordes of Constitutionally Conservative talk show hosts, political pundits, authors, bloggers and public officials. Despite his expanding political activism and unwavering reverence for God, one indispensible fact remains true – Jim Labriola is ridiculously funny and never one to pass up the opportunity to elicit laughter when two or more are gathered together.

Jim's comedy album, Heart Improvement, is available in LifeWay Christian Stores and online both physically and digitally.

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